Saturday, September 23, 2006

Maggie, all smiles, all the time.

Goodmorning Chicago! When I awoke, I couldn't find any of the little ones, or Emily or Sarah for that matter. Well, they were having a tent party in the backyard. All four of them were in the "bumble bee" tent having coffee and sippy's.

Maggie climbs the ladder.Almost there.

Utah babbysitting Mags after she awoke from her nap before anyone else. We had some quality time, just the uncle and the niece.
She really did a nice job keeping me entertained for about an hour until the rest of the party awoke.
Dinner time.
There's that smile she is famous for.
Here she is entertaining Auntie Emmy and Utah for a photo shoot on the comforter.
Still smiling.


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