Saturday, September 23, 2006


Wray, Co...Emily and I stopped by my home town. We spent about an hour and saw all of the attractions. I think it has been just under 10 years since I was here and how things stay the same.
My high school, this was new when I was a sophomore. Many thought it looked like a prison, who knows?
A drive-by on the last house my mom lived in, for a matter of fact, the last house I lived in/ was in the last time I was in this town. I knew the people living in the house, the girl was in my brother's class.My parent's old real estate/ insurance office.

The restaurant/ motel my parents owned and my mom still runs.
The Cliff Theater, the place I saw Star Wars and Smokey and the Bandit, one show, one time(7:45) 4 nights a week and still open.
Peeking over the fence at the backyard fence of the house I grew up in, oh the memories, it made me a little teary eyed.

203 Filbert Street
Wray, CO 80758

"The House" The upstairs left window was my room and the one on the right was Justin's. (the one a nosey neighbor lied to our parents about and said Brad and I were hanging Justin out the windowby his feet) I got a whooppin' for that one, also 'cause it was my idea. What is that? F**kin nosey neighbors!
The last words spoken to me by my father...
"I was to proud to ever admit how wrong everything is.""Help your mom understand."


Blogger nina beana said...

todd, this was really touching. it must have been an emotional journey. thank you for sharing it...and what a good travelling companion you had. :)

28/9/06 6:54 AM  

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