Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm Back!

Well, after much frustration and all around business I am making a post after several weeks. To start with, the computer died. We had a new hard drive installed and she's working like a dream now. And also, if you didn't know, we are moving to Maryland in just a couple weeks. So now we are in the middle of moving as well as getting ready for a road trip to Colorado. Busy, Busy, Busy.

Here's the garage just before the de-construction, what a puzzle it was to find a place for everything.

Some energy drinks for our Saturday night of live SX coverage of the Las Vegas finals. If you care RC won the title and Stewart won the race.

Finishing the cereal, isn't this the best part of a bowl of cereal?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Friday Afternoon Photo (FAP) 5/5/06

Friday's Summer ritual, mowing the "back forty" it 's only about 3 acres, but it is more than plenty. I'm just glad I have one of those new zero turning radius mowers, that thing is soo fast . Nothing runs like a Deere.
(I don't know?)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Friday Afternoon Photo 4/28/06 (FAP)

A little horseradish/ creamcheese dip and crackers on a (later) friday afternoon in Jamaica State Park, Jamaica, VT. The bi-annual west river release was this past weekend and what a great time it was. Camping at the take-out with old friends and meeting new friends.