Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dreaming Big

Hello everyone, it has been awhile since my last post. Here's my new train room! It has recently been insulated and is ready for my constructing attempt. The room is big enough to allow a 24 foot long by 8 foot wide layout with lots of room to spare/expand.

Here's the 'yard' that I constructed on the floor before the insulating was finished. It has six branches and a mainline that goes on by on the outside.
Here you can see a passing loop on the right with switchovers to change tracks from the inner to outer. And at the far end I think I will add another passing loop, and I envision adding industry turn outs as I incorporate these into the layout. Who would of thought model trains could be so stressful/ complex?
Look at all of those cars needing to get out on the track and put in some miles, it's a shame the railroad workers are slacking so much.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A post of links.

(click this little box below for some nice train-plowing)
First is a snow plowing train in Eastern CO and Kansas that gets stuck and takes 6 locos to get things rolling. I've never seen anything like this before, pretty cool with lots of photos and other vids.

Next is Moto inspired, TransWorld MX magazine had a contest with DVS shoes called Moto Mouth. Just send in your video and show everyone how well you can braaap. There are three of the top five that are pretty fun, hope you can enjoy. May I suggest only watching Shawn, Derek and Ryon. If you watch Lonnie's it's alright and if you watch Paul's be prepared, it's pretty obnoxious. Take care!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Snowy Barn Chores

Here we are looking from the aisle-way inside the barn south through Sam's stall and out his stall door to the snow storm that of course caused E's school to let out early.
The man responsible for the mucking.

If a picture says a thousand words, I don't know what thousand this one says? This is Sam, he's the one with the lively personality and a little spunk in his blood.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Flat Bed

I purchased a few new/used cars from an online train board member. 'E' and I found these track hoe's at the evil one Wal-Mart for a reasonable $6/each. Check out the high tech attachment device, good ole duct tape under each track.

'E' started our farm scene recently and I added the tractors and gave them a ride on the track before delivery to Old Mcdonald's Farm.

Extreme close-up of the coupler and the trucks/wheels on the reading coal hopper.
Another shot of one of the new GP20's, sure is pretty.