Aiden James, he so often has a smile and is so very inquisitive. He's wearing his 'Thor' MX jersey , a gift from Utah and Auntie Emmy, he's after my heart. (and I love it)
Can you see those lips making the tractor noise? Oh he is so related to me, I loved playing trucks. One day we will have a serious trucks play session.
Here Aiden is telling his version of "The Three Little Pigs" I sadly missed the story but heard it was magnificent. The laughter in their faces just makes me teary eyed.
Dad, little Corrine and Shrek dressed as Aiden. This was at our friends wedding reception which had a renaissance theme, very fun, 75% of the crowd was in costume.
Aiden fetches and returns this little guys toy(Dawn's little guy Braiden?) and shares a little guy time.
Aiden gets to play in one of the numerous fountains at the party with Utah's accompainment, and Batman(Dylan) makes sure the water is wet as well. What an amazing evening, I am so happy all of my family were able to make it to the party and lunch('cept 4 Becky) earlier in the day, thanks everyone.